Monday, February 8, 2010

Recent Parenting Experiences

Yesterday I posted some rules in my home that I no longer need to nag about. The consequence is immediate and consistant. My girls are 1 1/2 and almost 4, so the rules are: no pulling toys away, no pushing people over, no pulling hair, and no screaming at the table. If any of these are witnessed, they go straight to time out. Since I'm trying to use "Love and Logic" I first say: Oh Man :( and send them to time out. My girls only count to 10 in our house. After that they have to say they're sorry and practice getting what they want in a nice way.

1 comment:

  1. My oldest wakes me up every night crying. If she crawls in bed with me, I don't wake up. I don't want her sleeping with me though. I tried patting her back each time, which works, but I have to get up. My husband suggested I lock my door, which I did the last 2 nights. She stands there and screams for an hour. Maybe tonight I'll lock it and spank her and put her back to bed when she tries the handle. I could ask her if she wants me to lock my door before I put her in her room. Maybe I should just pat her back and make her work the next day to make up for my lack of sleep?
