Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Privilege with Responsibility

My daughter is 5. She cried all the way to swim class because we forgot her goggles. I told her sometimes I make a checklist so I don't forget things. She liked the idea. She also wanted to walk to class on her own. I told her if she uses her checklist every day and is responsible, she can have the privilege of walking to class alone.  She drew her own pictures of what to take. Let's see if she can remember to do it each day. Hmm, I might remind her 15 minutes before we have to leave so she has time to gather everything. She can't read a clock yet.

1 comment:

  1.'s me Mohana from the swim class...I like this idea...lemme try it with my 6 year old daughter.the idea of giving a coin to her when she does something I ask her to do is working fine....but I hope to continue it and that she does not get "bored' with the idea.

    Thanks for sharing the techniques ...I am hoping that she will fall into a regular routine when her school starts.See you tomorrow.
