Friday, November 9, 2012

How to strengthen the family

In my family I try to give every family member at least 5 minutes of solid eye contact and listening. Weekly, we have a family night to either spend time playing games or religious instruction. Monthly my husband and I have a date. At least twice a year we take a trip together.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Little Girls Gotta Know

After a teacher was arrested at my daughter's school for inappropriate behavior with a student, every parent had to sit down with their child to explain the situation and tell him or her how to handle a bad situation. This song expresses my feelings about that conversation.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Buy My Book

My book, "Christian-based Conflict Resolution Lessons for Families" is now available on Amazon in print or e-reader.

Friday, October 26, 2012

You are Loved

You Are Loved
The only word I know is sorrow. The only thing I feel is pain! When a child looks into my eyes and wonders: Do you care as much as you proclaim?
I say,

Chorus: “You are loved. You are loved. No matter the questions, no matter the pain. You are loved. You are loved. Peace be unto you.”

It’s true there are those that are not kind. It’s true there are those that hate. In spite of the hurt that they cause you, remember this simple phrase.

Chorus: “You are loved. You are loved. No matter the questions, no matter the pain. You are loved. You are loved. Peace be unto you.”

I’ve been hurt before and it’s not fair. I’ve hurt others too I admit. But if things are to change on this planet we can’t let anyone forget that:

Chorus: “You are loved. You are loved. No matter the questions, no matter the pain. You are loved. You are loved. Peace be unto you.”

You’ll stand before God on that fateful day. Your heart full of awe and of fear. With a tear in His eye He will whisper the words which you longed to hear, that

Chorus: “You are loved. You are loved. No matter the questions, no matter the pain. You are loved. You are loved. Peace be unto you.”

Thursday, July 5, 2012

LDS Resources

LDS Resources for “Christian-based Conflict Resolution for Families”
Lesson 1
Song: CSB pg 74 “I feel my Savior’s Love.”
Song: LDS Hymn 220 “Lord, I Would Follow Thee.”
Song: LDS CSB pg 55 “Jesus Once was a Little Child.”
Further reading to lengthen the lesson or create another lesson:
1.       “I pray that we might treat each other with more kindness, more courtesy, more humility and patience and forgiveness.”  Todd, Jay M. “President Howard W. Hunter: Fourteenth President of the Church.” Ensign. July 1994. Print.
See Comments for the rest of the lessons.