Monday, June 27, 2011

Bathroom Notes

I think all successful people have motivational notes to themselves they can see on a daily basis. Mine are on sticky notes in the bathroom. They are: Be aware of other's needs, Be willing to give, Be willing to admit faults, Be flexible with my plan, Postive Attitude! (tone of voice/words), Enthusiastic Example, EEECH time/person (Enlighten, Entertain, Encourage, Console, Help), Humble Leader-Try, Humble Listener- Good Luck/Did you think about..., Humble Follower-Listen to council, try other ideas.
If you're like me you'd want to know how I came up with these. They are individualized based on the seven deadly sins. I took the ones I struggle with and rephrased them in a positive way: wrath-positive attitude, greed-willing to give, sloth-follow God's plan, pride-admit faults, lust, envy-humble, and gluttony-be aware of other's needs. There was one more thing I struggled with and had to flip to a positive which was: don't brag or complain about my activities. That flipped to EEECH so I can interact in a selfless way with others. What ways to you talk positively to yourself?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Received a gift

I recently received some books on loan that I didn't want. All week I stressed about finding time to read them. After praying about it, I realized I could say, "no thank you." But how? 1)Calm down- relax my jaw, shoulders, fingers, and take three deep breaths. 2) Say, "that was sweet of you to think of me. Thank you." 3) Say, "no thanks." 4) Ask, "If I have more time, can I borrow them later?" My husband gave me great advice that I make it a don't call us, we'll call you statement at the end.