Monday, November 8, 2010

Control over self

My daughter Stacy wanted a toy and the 2 girls were pulling it from each other.  I sent Stacy to her room and as I carried her to her room her time-out kept getting longer because she was screaming and kicking.  During her 20 minutes she kept poking out of her door to trade another toy for the one she wanted. I prayed about what to say as I'm reading "Teach them Diligently". When I went in and sat on her bed I told her she has a physical body that is selfish and a spirit inside that needs to control her actions. I said she has a good spirit, but it needs to be the boss of her body. She said she was sorry and I said I forgive her. Then we prayed to Jesus to forgive her too.  That could have been much worse if I got more angry and discouraged!

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