To use tabs, please use full web version. I believe the goal of parenting is to give my children the skills to become self-sufficient physically, socially, and spiritually. As I try a new technique I ask myself, is this teaching my child how to make good choices? Is she learning to ask God what the correct choice is? My goal is that my girls will be able to fully function as God's servants and become strong leaders for positive change.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Love and Logic -Trials and Successes
Post your stories about a "Love and Logic" technique you tried with your family. Did it work for you? What might you do differently? I recommend this before you read the one for early childhood. I had trouble understanding the second book which was written by a different author.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It occurred to me that as a woman I rely on my husband to be the leader of the family, but if I want to motivate family members in a positive way, I need to work on my leadership skills. It turns out, even Biblical women need to be strong leaders in the home. I haven't found any books on female leadership within marriage. If anyone finds one, please comment to this post!
Stephen Frueh - Author
I just listened to his audio podcast available for free through http://www.marriageconversation.com/ called "Yes, No, Maybe" in which he talks about a life where we don't do things we want to do, but maintain the status quo because we are afraid of how others will perceive us. I recently watched "Yes Man" on DVD, so I was suprised to hear Dr. Frueh recommend we start by saying "no" to things. If I stop saying maybe, and say no instead, I might be able to do the things I'm really excited about. I haven't read his book, but let me know if you like it!
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Parenting Breakthrough by Boyack
This is an LDS book about teaching responsibility. I love the concept that the chores your kids do are preparing them for adult life. The author writes about allowance, and budgeting as well. I noticed that the principles in this book apply to spirituality as well, since children practice gospel techniques a little at a time with parents demonstrating how to do them and eventually kids have to become responsible for themselves.
Nurture by Nature by Tieger
I am so glad to know my daughter's personality type out of 16 explained in this book. It also has stories of other kids with this personality at 3 different ages. My daughter has the same personality type as my sister, which means I need to watch out! But I also can steer her toward similar interests. This book is where the personality categories come from at the top of my blog.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Confess Your Parenting Style!
1. How much Control do you seek to impose on your child's life? 2. How much warmth or Nurturing to you demonstrate? 3. How much Anxiety do you show when you interact with your child? Answer each of these with either high or low.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Recent Parenting Experiences
Yesterday I posted some rules in my home that I no longer need to nag about. The consequence is immediate and consistant. My girls are 1 1/2 and almost 4, so the rules are: no pulling toys away, no pushing people over, no pulling hair, and no screaming at the table. If any of these are witnessed, they go straight to time out. Since I'm trying to use "Love and Logic" I first say: Oh Man :( and send them to time out. My girls only count to 10 in our house. After that they have to say they're sorry and practice getting what they want in a nice way.
Love and Logic by Cline & Fay
I love this parenting style! It does miss a huge component of parenting though: religion. Without appealing to a child's concience they don't learn to become a Godly adult.
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child
What a great book! The author, Kevin Hinckley, covers so many topics that will help a huge variety of readers. I'm so excited about a blog!
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