Monday, January 31, 2011


I wanted to share my thoughts on this. Prideful vs Humble Phrases:
Leader: (Prideful) You’re too stupid, let me do it! I can't work with you!
(Humble) It may not come out perfect, but give it a try.

Listener: (Prideful) That’s a stupid way to do it! You're on your own!
(Humble) I hope that works out for you. Did you think about this?

Follower: (Prideful) I’m not stupid! I can do it! I can do it alone.
(Humble) Do you have any suggestions? My way isn’t working/could be better.

It looks like pride separates people and keeps them from working together, growing as one body of


Prideful people organize others into categories of dumb and smart.
Humble people organize others into categories of degrees of mastery and understands that we are all
working at different levels for our various intelligences. My dad thinks his worthiness is static and he isn’t
good enough. If he isn’t trying, he isn’t improving. Someone we know lacks confidence, but she
used to be different. In some areas she isn’t progressing, she’s regressing. A friend said: why didn’t you put your kids in a preschool? Instead of judging, she could have asked me what I was thinking when I made that choice.
I hope this is useful to you.  It's easy to see where I can improve.

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