Friday, July 23, 2010

Potty Training

Wow! We are so excited! Yesterday our 2 year old went potty in the morning before she came downstairs. It was the first time without help! Later she pooped in the potty without help at naptime! We took a picture of her standing next to the potty. My sister has a daughter the same age and mentioned her daughter goes in her diaper before she wakes up. I just have my girl sit on the potty every morning whether she needs to go or not. When she takes her diaper off around the house we sing a song to the tune "London Bridges" and the words "Take your diaper off in the bathroom, in the bathroom...Little Girl." Potty training is a slow step-by-step process in which she has to learn to go on command, pull off the right amount of toilet paper, flush, pull up pants. Just stopping peeing in the diaper and finishing in the potty is a great step!

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