Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tantrums and Apologies

My daughter is 3, so I forget that she is still a toddler. Her temper-tantrums hide in the disguise of disagreement. I thought if we could just resolve the problem with her sister she would stop pulling hair and hitting. Now I see that she she needs more than a 10 second time-out as a consequence. I forgot that she needs to get it all out, but she should do it in her room or a special spot instead of disrupting our activities all the time. She was in control of my life. Now I can take back control in a positive way. After her tantrum is over, I started a 2 minute Time-Out, which I frowned upon with my older child.  It seems my younger child is more of a thinker and needs some think time before coming back to play.

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